Water and people
Water is a vital part of the world and perhaps the most magical substance that is found everywhere in nature and make most of the organisms. The human body contains about 70% water. This makes the water a major factor for the existence of each of us.
Water is responsible for the conduct of basic organic processes – circulation, digestion, absorption, - carries nutrients into the body, involves in the formation and maintenance of all the cells and tissues. The body must be charged with water; we lose it through sweating in and separation. So we feel thirsty and we should drink every time we feel it. At least two liters per day is necessary to be drunk; our skin takes as much again water by bathing. At reduced water content in the body, the volume of blood decreases; hypothalamus, which is something like the thirst center, is triggered and sends a signal for thirst. But a few sips of water often are not sufficient to restore the lost water in the body, but rather – we must drink even if we do not feel thirsty. The more mature the body is, the easier it is dehydrated because there is no capability of the young organism to keep enough fluids.
Water, when it is pure, is able to affect almost all ailments and illnesses in the body. It relieves the bowels, muscle aches and colic. In shortage of water the body stores up toxins that lead to headaches and chronic fatigue. If you do not drink enough water, we choke and poison the organism with our toxins and metabolic waste. We upset the chemical and enzymatic processes in the body so that diseases come. Weak muscle tone and obesity – so pressing problem lately – are a result of insufficient intake of water. Digestion, breathing and all other organic processes would be properly regulated, if we regularly supply water to the brain, blood, kidneys, lungs, etc. through the fluid intake.
Safe water, taken in sufficient quantities by the human body, relieves the busy bodies, renews them and slows the aging process. This is similar to the beneficial effects of the autumn rain on any grass, tired of the summer drought. Many health ailments as arteriosclerosis, kidney stones, arthritis, diabetes, glaucoma and many others would be avoided if we supply the body with clean water.
Drinking enough water means health, i.e. life. 8-10 full glasses of water per day are needed to keep our life healthy. Our health is not expensive we you stick to the rule to drink plenty of generous, invigorating, rejuvenating and still cheaper water.
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