Thursday, March 31, 2011

Types of mineral waters

Types of mineral waters

Water diversity on Earth includes the oldest method of healing – mineral water. This water deserved the special attention of scientists who studied its properties and defined and classified the concept according to the different properties. Mineral is the water that contains not less than 250 parts per million of dissolved solids, at its extraction from the source – minerals and other dissolved solids. This water originates from protected underground geological sources. It has therapeutic properties.
Mineral waters are set up depending on the temperature at which they spring: cold (up to 37°C – human body temperature), warm (37° to 60°C) and hot (above 60°C).
Chemical characteristics:
Degree of mineralization:
- Low mineralization – up to 2g / l
- Moderate mineralization – 2 to 15g / l
- High mineralization – 15-30 g / l
- Brined – 30-60g / l
- Highly brined – more than 60g / l
Mineral waters vary in their chemical composition and can be:
·         Chloride
·         Carbon-acid
·         Sulphide
·         Radon
·         Sulfate
·         Hydro-carbonate
·         Mineral water free of spa ingredients
Depending on gas composition, they belong to one of the following groups: nitrogen, carbon-acid or sea group.
Mineral waters give grace and this is proven in the past when people have traveled long distances to reach the source and “taking the cure” at sites such as spas, baths or well. Today, bottled mineral water originating from anywhere in the world can be found even in the store near you. The modern tradition of the SPA and balneology takes its roots from the past to develop to perfection many therapeutic methods for relax and healing certain ailments through various water procedures. Each specialized hotel can offer the enjoyment of the spa. The visitors can benefit from the mineral pools and qualified spa treatments that heal, revive and rejuvenate the body and spirit through the most ancient known elixir – mineral water.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Water and people

Water and people
Water is a vital part of the world and perhaps the most magical substance that is found everywhere in nature and make most of the organisms. The human body contains about 70% water. This makes the water a major factor for the existence of each of us.
Water is responsible for the conduct of basic organic processes – circulation, digestion, absorption, - carries nutrients into the body, involves in the formation and maintenance of all the cells and tissues. The body must be charged with water; we lose it through sweating in and separation. So we feel thirsty and we should drink every time we feel it. At least two liters per day is necessary to be drunk; our skin takes as much again water by bathing. At reduced water content in the body, the volume of blood decreases; hypothalamus, which is something like the thirst center, is triggered and sends a signal for thirst. But a few sips of water often are not sufficient to restore the lost water in the body, but rather – we must drink even if we do not feel thirsty. The more mature the body is, the easier it is dehydrated because there is no capability of the young organism to keep enough fluids.
Water, when it is pure, is able to affect almost all ailments and illnesses in the body. It relieves the bowels, muscle aches and colic. In shortage of water the body stores up toxins that lead to headaches and chronic fatigue. If you do not drink enough water, we choke and poison the organism with our toxins and metabolic waste. We upset the chemical and enzymatic processes in the body so that diseases come. Weak muscle tone and obesity – so pressing problem lately – are a result of insufficient intake of water. Digestion, breathing and all other organic processes would be properly regulated, if we regularly supply water to the brain, blood, kidneys, lungs, etc. through the fluid intake.
Safe water, taken in sufficient quantities by the human body, relieves the busy bodies, renews them and slows the aging process. This is similar to the beneficial effects of the autumn rain on any grass, tired of the summer drought. Many health ailments as arteriosclerosis, kidney stones, arthritis, diabetes, glaucoma and many others would be avoided if we supply the body with clean water.
Drinking enough water means health, i.e. life. 8-10 full glasses of water per day are needed to keep our life healthy. Our health is not expensive we you stick to the rule to drink plenty of generous, invigorating, rejuvenating and still cheaper water.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Types of drinking water

Types of drinking water

Water is the main force of any vital function in the body of nature, so as man can not live without it more than 4-5 days. Each particle living on the planet feels thirsty and needs to satisfies it with a sufficient quantity of water. The human body needs pure water. Whether mineral, tap, etc. Clean drinking water has no taste. The market is full of any types of water and we can easily go wrong in choosing the right water for us.
Tap water
Water in our taps comes from water-supplying system of groundwater and wells or ponds, rivers, streams. It is believed that tap water is clean and safe, but lately it is subjected to doubt. Different chemical impurities can fall into the water – such as arsenic, chlorine, fertilizers, pesticides, parasites, risk to human health and associated with many diseases, including cancer. The problem for the safety of water in our taps is very recent, so the various environmental organizations are increasingly advising the households to purify water through boiling or filtering. Depending on water source, water may be contaminated with one or another chemical that can cause darkening, metallic taste, etc., which can signal danger.
Water in the plumbing system is fluorinated almost everywhere, despite long-standing dispute about the benefits and harm of this method of treatment. More than half a century ago, fluoridation has even declared lethal, which automatically countered assumptions for benefit for teeth, etc.
Drinking water, of course, can be processed so as to be safe for use. There are several ways to achieve this. Using filtration systems, distillation and reverse osmosis and ultraviolet interference can destroy bacteria and parasites in the water, minimizing the risk of danger to health.
Artesian water
This is water extracted from wells and reaching the surface through natural water pressure.
Bottled water
Water that is bottled by manufacturers is increasingly used by consumers because of their concerns for their health. Bottled water is different, depending on its source – a normal or mineral, the presence or absence of mineralization, the type of chemical impact, on which the water has been subjected – distillation, deionization, etc.
Waters in markets are mineral, demineralized, underground, natural spring, distilled, deionized, distilled, carbonated.
Water is packaged in bottles or other containers, without adding any additional ingredients except antimicrobial substances if needed. All this must be described on any bottle label.
Water we drink must be carefully chosen or home refined because dangers lurk everywhere and the problem of its purity is very pressing these days and people realize the risks that holds water.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Chemical and physical properties of water

Chemical and physical properties of water 

Water Chemical properties

According to Aristotle and Empedocles water is element. This consept is valid until the 18th century when it was shown that water is a compound of specified composition: one oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms linked covalently. H2O is the chemical formula for water, which we know by heart from school. On the one side of the oxygen atom are located two hydrogen atoms. Oxygen is negatively charged, and hydrogen – positive, so the water molecules that are prepared as a result are oppositely charged and attract. This is called cohesion.

Water has the property to dissolve thousands of substances. There is no better and more perfect solvent than the water. It takes along its way and carries any harmful or useful chemical compounds. However, if we talk about clean water, it has a neutral pH of about 7 and it is not acidic and not alkaline.

Physical properties

Water is a unique substance in their physical behaviour. It is a liquid with no taste and smell under normal pressure and temperature. This stuff is the one that can be in all three aggregate states: liquid, solid and gaseous. In its normal liquid form, it has a slight bluish tint. Gaseous state of water – water vapor – is invisible. The ice has not color. As a conclusion regarding the color, water is colorless. In fact, sunlight reaches the Earth surface and underwater, thanks to this property of water. Otherwise there would be no life in darkness, which would have been, if the water was colored.

Water moves, enter into relations with other substances, changes in one or another state, but never vanishes. It freezes at 0°C and boils at 100°C at sea level. Interesting fact about scientists is that the solid state of water – the ice – is less dense than the liquid phase. For this reason, the ice floats on water surface without sinking. Water in freezing expands. There are no other substances with similar properties.

Another specific characteristic of water is its high heat index, which makes it indispensable in industry and households as a cooler or heater. Thanks to the high heat index is the gradual change of seasons – a gradual cooling or warming the air, which depend on ocean temperatures.

Water is a conductor if there are ions dissolved in it. Otherwise it is not a conductor. Water is cohesive and adhesive, i.e. creates surface tension and gravity. Water molecules attract each other and droplets are formed.

Water cycle

As mentioned, water quantity of the planet is always the same, only the state, in which it is, changes. Different parts of the hydrosphere and atmosphere contain various concentration of water, which makes periodic transitions from one state to another according to the hydrological cycle, called cycle of water: it evaporate – from aquatic basins and plants – in the air. There, in the clouds, water vapor is concentrated and cooled, then return to earth as rains. Rains flow into the ocean. So the circle closes.

Water is an essential substance for the existence of living nature – plants, people and animals are composed mostly of water, which maintains and purified their bodies so that they function properly. Everything is thanks to the extraordinary physical and chemical capabilities of the water.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

What is the water

What is the water

Water is most important to us. This we know from the textbooks. Globally it is the most important factor for life on our planet. It is the fundamental element in the composition of any plant or animal. We – the people – comprise about 70% of water. Weight of infants is 90% water (as it is in any algae), in the body of children is about 80% water and it decreases with age. Water is a substance which has a unique structure and properties.
Water is the most mysterious and difficult subject for study. For many millennia, mankind is trying to uncover the secrets of water, but virtually it always has been reached a stalemate. Almost all the properties of water do not obey the logic of the physical laws that manage the other substances on planet. No scientists who can explain why the water, unlike any other liquids, increases its density at lowering the temperature and decreases it at raising the temperature. It is the only substance which, in normal ground conditions is presented in the three aggregate states - solid, liquid and gas. Compared with all other liquids water has the highest surface tension. In seeds, for example, its pressure reaches 400 atmospheres at the time of germination. Therefore, sprout easily break even asphalt. So it is no exaggeration to say that water is stronger than the most solid substance on the Earth
 Water engenders life. The life diversity is infinite. But there is life only where there is water. If the water did not have all these amazing qualities, perhaps there would be no life on our planet.
Water undergoes amazing changes
Water under the influence of temperature can go from one to another physical state, it can be spilled by the melting of ice and evaporates into gas. But not temperature only changes the water. Al of us and all surrounding reality change it. Our thoughts, our words and actions affect the purity and its properties. This is proven and is called structural memory of water. Good or bad thoughts, classical or heavy metal music, precious prayers in the temple or pollution from industrial production... All this modifies its hexagonal structured molecule, making it invigorating and ennobling to the nature and human or contagious and devastating. This is because water is in every cell of human, monkey in the zoo or in the green grass. It is in every fiber of breathing nature. And the dirty or clean water quality programs all organisms at the cellular level. Therefore, they are healthy or sick. At the planetary scale we can talk about healthy or sick Earth. In our case, scientists do not stop talking about the sick organism of our planet because the last one and a half century of industrialization and pollution of nature. They are entitled. All we watch the worrisome TV news for drought and earthquakes in certain regions of the planet, lethal eating disorders, increasing incidence of serious and insidious disease. Scientists say the reason is polluted informational environment. What does this mean? This means that the world is charged negatively: people, animals, and whole the nature become sick because of negative charges on the situation in which they live.
WATER is most important for organisms, so when it is dirty and pressed, such water infuses in our bodies, reprogramming each our cell and the result is quite logical: disease.
Water is not guilty. We are at the heart of its bad or good state. So only we can create our health and strength. If we allow the greatest gift of nature to be clean and virginal, just to be clean, life-giving water...

Saturday, March 5, 2011


Water is the largest worth that our planet has, because it is the power that gives birth to every living organism. However, this is the force that is able to destroy all life.
Waters of large rivers have been the heart of every living outset in Antiquity. The availability of water was decisive for the settlement of ancient people in certain areas on the planet. Tigris and Euphrates are rivers that are home to most ancient culture – Mesopotamia, which we call the cradle of civilizations till now. Egyptians have chosen the opulent valley of the Nile to be the foundation of their power.
Water-supply is an achievement of recent times. Thanks to it, now water can be traveled thousands of miles through the pipes to reach every household in the developed countries.
Water masses of the huge ocean have always attracted the human race. In medieval times, they finally managed to pacify it, like magic, and they reach the new lands. This marks the beginning of the Great Geographical Discoveries. The element of the World Ocean appears to be separating, but also connecting the medieval civilizations between them.
Water travels became the basis for development of shipping and trade in the past. Cities crossed by large rivers or situated on the shores of the ocean, rapidly progressed and growth rich. Among the most famous are London, Hamburg, Mumbai, Shanghai, Genoa, Rotterdam, New York, etc. Shipping is an important factor for the start of the global economy.
Water emerges as the most important component in industry, agriculture and livestock because of its ability to dissolve a variety of chemical compounds. In agriculture, fresh water is crucial in the irrigation and fertilization of crops.
Water is an integral part of every living organism. It forms over 70% of the human body, i.e. it is the main component determining the existence of man. Everyone is conceived and born in aquatic environment. Each day in the life of a flower, a deer or any person is bound up with the presence or absence of water. Eternal need of water environment is characteristic of all living nature.
Water quantity necessary for every living thing are different. The human body needs a minimum of 2 liters of water per day to function properly. Two liters of clean healthy water! In recent years this appears to be quite unattainable for many people around the world.  Industrial productions increasingly pollute environment and our waters. In North Africa and Middle East population experiencing difficulties with the supply of clean and healthy water because of the dry climate and lack of protected water resources in the undeveloped countries there. Consumption of contaminated and non-regulated water leads to serious diseases, which in many cases end with death. Death of people, animals...
Water is a proven phenomenon. Besides that it exists in three aggregate states, it has another property that no other substance has. This is so-called structural memory, demonstrated by the Japanese researcher Dr. Emoto. Photographed under a microscope in frozen state, its crystals take various forms. Water taken from mountain spring or under effects of classical music has perfectly regular and beautiful crystals. And the opposite: the crystals of water influenced by negative words and emotions or heavy metal music are shapeless and ugly. This means that:
Water is just the state what we have programmed. All this comes to whispering us that we should stop encumbering the nature with evil thought, to stop polluting water with ruthless selfishness. The right direction we should have to go, to be healthy and strong, is “return to nature”, i.e. to respect our common source, allowing it to help us and heal us because there is no more masterly healer than water.